Hidden Markov Models

In this exercise, we’ll build an isolated word recognizer using Hidden Markov Models. We will use the following classes of the package com.github.sikoried.jstk.stat:

  • Mixture: This will serve as the implementation for the emission densitites. There is a constructor that takes an InputStream, as well as a write method to save models to file.
  • hmm.HMM: As the basic implementation of hidden Markov models. There is a constructor that takes an InputStream, as well as a write method to save models to file.
  • hmm.SCState and hmm.CState as implementations of states with semi- and continuous emission probabilities.
  • hmm.Alignment to compute and store HMM state alignments.


We’ll be using JSTK as well as our own code, so make sure to set up your CLASSPATH:

cd path/to/sl-examples
$(gradle -q env)  # will exec export CLASSPATH=...

Data Prep

  • Clone the Free Spoken Digit Dataset.
  • Create file lists for training and test; we’ll use the *_?.wav files for test, the *_??.wav files for train.
  • Compute MFCC features, using first derivatives and per-file normalization.
  • Train a Gaussian mixture model (128 diagonal densities), which we will be using as codebook later
# clone data set
git clone https://github.com/Jakobovski/free-spoken-digit-dataset.git
cd free-spoken-digit-dataset/recordings

# make lists
/bin/ls [0-9]_{jackson,theo,nicolas,yweweler}_??.wav > list.train
/bin/ls [0-9]_{jackson,theo,nicolas,yweweler}_?.wav > list.test
cat list.{train,test} > list.all

# compute features
mkdir ft
java com.github.sikoried.jstk.app.Mfcc \
	-f t:wav/8 -w hamm,25,10 \
	-b 0,4000,-1,24 -d 5:1 \
	--turn-wise-mvn \
	--in-list list.all ft

# init and train GMM
mkdir mdl
java com.github.sikoried.jstk.app.Initializer \
	--list list.train --dir ft \
	--gmm mdl/init${N}.mdl -n $N -s g-ev
java com.github.sikoried.jstk.app.GaussEM \
	-i mdl/init${N}.mdl \
	-o mdl/em${N}.mdl \
	-l list.train -d ft


To keep things simple, we’ll make a few assumptions:

  • The classes (words) are the numbers 0 through 9.
  • Filenames always follow the scheme {class}_{speaker}_{rec-id}.wav, ie. the first part is the class label.
  • Feature files and models are stored in ft/ and mdl/, respectively (hard-code path names).

The overall training routine will be:

  1. Align all examples using a linear alignment
  2. Accumulate the statistics and re-estimate
  3. Force-align the training data
  4. Accumulate the statistics and re-estimate; optionally repeat this step
  5. Repeat at 3.

Complete the binary iw.Trainer, that accepts property file, to be read via Commons Configuration, containing the following variables (defaults in parentheses):

  • list that contains the training files
  • number of states per class/HMM (4)
  • classes (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; retrieve with getStringArray); models will be stored as <name>.mdl[.<iter>]
  • directory where to store the model files (mdl/)
  • directory where to find the feature files (ft/)
  • number of overall iterations (10)
  • iterations when to re-align (1, 2, 5, 8; retrieve with getIntArray)
  • CState: number of densities (1)
  • SCState: codebook to use (null; note: copy will be written to model directory)

An example properties file could look like

iw.list = list.train
iw.states = 4
iw.classes = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
iw.mdldir = mdl-batch1
iw.ftdir = ft
iw.iterations = 10
iw.realign = 1, 2, 5, 8
iw.codebook = mdl/em10-128.mdl

Implement the Training Routine

  1. for each class, allocate a HMM; use SCState if codebook is specified, CState otherwise
  2. compute an initial estimate, by creating linear alignments for each file and class; save the initial estimates as <name>.mdl.0
  3. reset the accumulators
  4. if (cur_iter in realign): compute the forced alignment
  5. accumulate according to alignments (eg. accumulateVT)
  6. re-estimate the parameters (.reestimate()), save current estimate
  7. if (cur_iter < num_iters): goto 2


Complete the binary iw.Classifier, which accepts a properties file with the following settings:

  • file list containing the test data
  • list of classes to load
  • directory where to store the model files (mdl/)
  • directory where to find the feature files (ft/)
  • if required, the codebook (relative to model directory)
iw.list = list.test
iw.classes = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
iw.mdldir = mdl-batch1
iw.ftdir = ft
iw.codebook = em10-128.mdl

Implement the Classification Routine

  1. Load the model files (and codebook)
  2. For each feature file, align each of the models
  3. Normalize the scores to a soft-max (to get probabilities for each class)
  4. Output lines of <file> <best-class> <class-scores ...>


  • How does your classifier perform?
  • Run experiments with different settings (iterations, states, classes)
  • Can you see patterns of classes that get mixed up?

Adjust for Silence

  • Change your trainer and classifier, so that it allows for leading and trailing silence
  • Use 3 states for silence; make sure that all recordings contribute to a single silence model
  • How does modeling silence affect performance?

Outlook: Decoding

  • The current classifier allows only single word decisions.
  • How would you handle word sequences?
  • Recall the DTMF tone decoder. How would you transfer the idea to isolated word recognition?
  • Outline an algorithm that allows you to decode arbitrary sequences of digits.