Sequence Learning – Deprecated!

Elective for CS grad students at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg.

⚠ Deprecated ⚠

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⚠ Deprecated ⚠

Class Schedule and Credits

Time and Location: Mondays at 9.45 (online, Zoom link on Moodle)

Announcements and Discussions: Moodle Course #5312

Teams for discussion around assignments: 4fbxju8.


Each week, we will discuss algorithms and their theory before implementing them to get a better hands-on understanding. The materials consist of a mix of required and recommended readings, slides as well as a set of programming assignments. These assignments are mandatory and in python3. Pair-programming encouraged, BYOD strongly recommended!


Credits are earned through two components:

  1. All six assignments (dynamic programming, Markov chains, hidden Markov models, recurrent neural networks, attention, transformer) must be completed throughout the semester; assigments are ass/fail, pair programming encouraged (ie. you can submit as teams of two).
  2. Oral exam (20’) covering theory and assignments (graded; individual exams).

Note: Materials will be (mostly) in English, the lectures/tutorials will be taught in German unless English speaker present; oral exam in language of choice.

Important Dates



Syllabus is currently undergoing updates… (as of Jan 21, 2021)

April 9: Maundy Thursday (Gründonnerstag)

May 21: Ascension Day (Christi Himmelfahrt)

May 28: Project proposals due!

June 11: Corpus Christ (Fronleichnam)

June 25: Papers due!

July 2: Reviews due!

July 9: Projects due!

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